There are a few kinds of joints that are incorporated in concrete slabs. Two of the most common are control joints and construction joints. They sound similar, but are they the same? What is the difference between control joints and construction joints? Control joints are …
What is the Difference Between Brick and Brick Veneer?
Have you ever heard the term brick veneer and wondered what the difference is between it and regular brick? Is brick veneer made from a different type of brick, or perhaps a thinner or hollow brick? In reality, the terms “brick” and “brick veneer have …
What is the Maximum Spacing for Anchor Bolts?
Typically, information on anchor bolt spacing will be contained within your construction drawing set. If you don’t have a set of drawings to work from, you’ll want to reference your local building code for information. According to the International Building Code (IBC), the maximum spacing …
What is the Difference Between Floor Area and Lot Area?
Floor area and lot area are two terms commonly used in zoning analysis. While often used in combination to determine other areas or ratios – such as Floor Area Ratio (FAR), for example – the two have distinct differences and are defined differently by code. …
What is the Difference Between a Site Plan and a Floor Plan?
Both site plans and floor plans are orthographic projection drawings viewed from above ground looking down. They are essentially complimentary plans which show different details of a proposed or existing building and its surroundings. Site plans detail the exterior portions surrounding a building structure, while …
Do Cavity Walls Need Ventilation?
When moisture enters into an exterior wall, it can potentially cause problems with the various materials contained inside the wall cavity. As such, you may be wondering if ventilation is required for cavity wall construction. Traditional cavity walls do not require ventilation. They are designed …
7 Types of Joints in Building Construction
While we may not perceive it visually, buildings are in constant motion. Wind causes buildings to sway, temperature changes cause expansion and contraction in building surfaces and moisture causes expansion of materials. Additionally, seismic events can cause differential movement in both the structure and finishes …
How to Prevent Condensation in Buildings
An important component of building insulation is the control of humidity and moisture. Condensation, as a result of moisture, needs to be prevented from entering walls and compromising the integrity of the insulation within. Condensation control in buildings is critical to prevent damage to structures. …